Remedy for Discoid Lupus in Canines

Two forms of lupus affect dogs: systemic lupus erythematosus and cutaneous lupus erythematosus or discoid lupus. Systemic lupus erythematosus can affect a dog's entire body, while discoid lupus commonly attacks a dog's facial area. Dog breeds such as German shepherds, collies and Siberian huskies have a higher incidence of developing discoid lupus in comparison to other breeds, according to the Vet info website. Lupus isn't a curable disease, but certain courses of action can help remedy your dog's condition.
  1. Reduce UV Exposure

    • Allowing your dog outdoors can expose it to ultraviolet light. This can worsen sores that commonly develop with lupus. Keeping your dog indoors, especially during the hotter hours of the day, can prevent exposure to ultraviolet rays, according to Vet Info. Peak hours range from 10 am to 3 pm. The application of zinc oxide sunscreen on your dog if outdoor exposure is necessary can help prevent sunburns.


    • Autoimmune diseases attack your dog's immune system. In a healthy dog, the immune system does its job by attacking what the body perceives as foreign invaders, which can include bacteria or viruses. In a dog with lupus, healthy aspects of your dog's body such as tissue, will be viewed as foreign. Glucocorticoids can help suppress the attack on your dog's immune system, according to the Pet Education website. Glucocorticoids can cause undesirable side effects that include vomiting and diarrhea.


    • If you're concerned with potential side effects caused by glucocorticoids, supplements provided with your veterinarian's recommendations can help your dog. Arum triphyllum can help with sores your dog may have, as well as soothe inflammation, according to Natural Dog Health Remedies. Vitamin E, omega-3 and omega-6, and plant sterol supplements may also benefit your dog by boosting your dog's immune system and warding off infections.

    Other Treatment Options

    • Avoiding triggers such as heat or smoke can help stabilize your dog's condition. It's important to treat your dog's lesions to prevent bacterial infections. Placing an Elizabethan collar on your dog can help prevent your dog from scratching and opening sores on its nose. Since lupus is an inherited disease, you will want to avoid breeding your dog. Treatment medications for lupus can cause birth defects in puppies, which is why breeding should also be avoided.