How to Give a Dog Eyedrops

Dog owners should examine their dogs' eyes regularly. If there is any sign of eye pain or disease, the owner should take his dog to a veterinarian immediately. Symptoms of canine eye problems include discharge, squinting, tearing, sensitivity to light, tenderness and pawing at the eye. Many canine eye diseases require drops or ointments. These include conjunctivitis, dry eye, glaucoma and cataracts, among others. Following is a guide to administering eye medications to dogs.


  1. Eye Drops

    • 1

      Have your dog sit with its back to you. Sit with a leg on each side of your dog.

    • 2

      Place your hand under your dog's chin and lift its head.

    • 3

      Take the bottle between the thumb and index finger of your other hand, and place it to the side of your dog's eye. You may want to put this hand on the top of your dog's head, which will keep it stable.

    • 4

      Stretch out the hand holding the dog's chin and pull down your dog's lower lid. Alternatively, use your thumb and forefinger to open your dog's eyelid.

    • 5

      Squeeze the prescribed number of drops into your dog's eye. Do not touch the eye with the dropper.

    • 6

      Let go of your dog's head and allow it to blink. This will spread the medication over the eye.

    Eye Ointment

    • 7

      Turn your dog so its back is to you and place it between your legs. Lift your dog's head.

    • 8

      Use your thumb to pull down your dog's eyelid.

    • 9

      Put the hand holding the applicator on your dog's forehead. This prevents the applicator from poking your dog in the eye if it moves or jerks its head.

    • 10

      Squeeze the ointment across its eye. Do not let the tube touch your dog's eye.

    • 11

      Hold your dog still until the ointment has spread across its eye.