Home Remedies for Poodle Itch Relief

Although poodles are considered a hypoallergenic dog for people, they can have their own allergies. It is important to monitor your poodle for such symptoms as ear, nose or eye discharge or scaly, red patches of skin. Discuss your concerns with your veterinarian. There are a number of things you can do at home to relieve the itching before you purchase medications or other expensive treatments.
  1. Rule Out Other Causes

    • Although allergies are a common cause of itchy skin, there may be a different culprit. Other suspects for your poodle's itching include fleas, infections, chronic illness and nutrition problems. It is a good idea to rule out these causes of itching before you initiate a home remedy plan because left untreated, these ailments may lead to more serious problems. Examine your poodle's fur for insects or black "flea dust," review its diet with your veterinarian, and watch for symptoms other than itching.

    Poodle Diet

    • If you suspect that your poodle's diet is causing allergies, it is advisable to initiate an elimination diet. With your veterinarian's guidance, eliminate all but two ingredients from your dog's diet -- leave in two foods your dog has almost never consumed before. You can either cook food at home by following the 2 parts starch, 1 part protein guidelines, or you can use a dog food made for elimination diet purposes.

    Remove Allergens From Fur

    • Poodle's curly, coarse fur can easily trap allergenic agents. In addition to bathing your poodle weekly to remove allergens from its fur and skin, an antiseptic agent can help on a daily basis. Tea tree oil should be rubbed into the skin to remove allergens. Reapply every day for effective treatment.

      Also consider the possibility that topic flea and tick treatments might be irritating your dog's skin -- if the irritation lasts for only a day or two after application, it is safe to use.

    Soothing Skin Treatments

    • Many hypoallergenic treatments contain oatmeal because it is soothing for skin allergies. You can use oatmeal treatments in addition to or instead of oatmeal-containing shampoos to soothe itching and dryness. Mix plain oatmeal (avoid flavored oatmeal) with water, and rub it onto your poodle's skin. Leave it on for 10 minutes -- and keep an eye on your dog while it sits -- then rinse it off. Another solution is unscented dog moisturizer.