Yorkie Eating Habits

The eating habits of Yorkies are more like other dogs than they are different. Nutrition is an important part of raising a healthy Yorkie. The major difference in the diet of Yorkies and larger breeds is that Yorkies need less food. Establishing healthy eating habits for a Yorkie means understanding issues related to their nutritional needs, nutrition and physical size and nutrition and activity level. Addressing these issues helps Yorkies grow and develop appropriately. Lack of understanding these needs compromises the overall health and quality of life of Yorkies.
  1. Nutritional Health

    • There are a number of recommendations regarding the kind of food to feed Yorkies to ensure good eating habits are formed early. One of the recommendations is to limit the number of dog treats. Yorkies have small stomachs and are not able to eat a lot of food at one time. Filling up on foods low in nutrients compromises a Yorkie's health. Feed Yorkies premium dog food made for them. Begin with puppy versions and move into adult versions as they mature.

    Dental Health

    • Developing good nutrition habits for Yorkies includes thinking about dental health. Yorkie food is available as soft food in cans and in dry packaged varieties. It is important to feed Yorkies the dry packaged variety as much as possible to ensure quality dental health. Yorkies who are fed only soft foods develop dental problems. It is also a hardship on the pocketbook to use only soft, canned foods.

    Food Quantity

    • Yorkies who are fed too much food and fed foods low in appropriate nutritional value develop poor eating habits. Yorkies are energetic and burn calories in a short period of time. Veterinarians recommend feeding Yorkies only one meal per day, or two small meals. It is believed that feeding Yorkies too frequently leads to finicky eating -- it is more likely that they are become full with frequent feeding. When a Yorkie chooses not to eat a meal, do not compensate with a snack. This has the potential of becoming a bad habit of nutritious foods being refused.

    Drinking Fluids

    • It is important to ensure Yorkies have adequate water that is easily accessible. Water needs to be clean and cool. Water that has been in the bowl for longer than a day is stale and unappealing. Unappealing water can cause Yorkies not to drink enough water. Carry fresh water when traveling with a Yorkie and provide frequent opportunities to drink. It is the owner's responsibility to ensure pets develop healthy eating habits. Starting a Yorkie puppy out with a healthy food regime is the start to a long, healthy lifestyle.