How Much Chlorophyll Can I Mix With Water to Use As a Spray for My Dog's Teeth & Gums?

Many people use chlorophyll for their dog's teeth and gums as a means to fight bad breath. Before using chlorophyll for bad breath, take your dog to a vet to determine the reason for it. Causes of bad breath could be dental or gum disease, plaque or tartar. More serious problems include diseases of the mouth, respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract. If the dog is healthy, chlorophyll is an effective remedy for bad breath.
  1. Why Chlorophyll?

    • Chlorophyll is a natural deodorant. It's a green liquid that you can buy in a pharmacy or a health food store. Chlorophyll, which is plant-based, is the element that helps plants convert sunlight they absorb into energy. It's present in all green plants. It helps freshen the breath, purifies blood, improves the work of the liver and facilitates tissue repair. It's a powerful substance that improves your dog's health internally.

    Liquid Chlorophyll

    • When using liquid chlorophyll in a spray, mix water and chlorophyll in a 3:1 proportion, respectively, in a small spray bottle. Spray it into your dog's mouth regularly.

    Chlorophyll Tablets

    • You can also use chlorophyll tablets for your pet's bad breath. Your vet can help determine the right number of tablets, depending on the dog's weight.

    Dog Dental Care

    • Take your pet to a vet regularly to monitor dental and other issues, brush its teeth regularly with special dog toothpaste, provide your dog with hard safe chew toys to help it clean its teeth naturally, and feed your dog nutritious food.