How to Get Rid of Flaky Skin on Dogs

Flaky skin on dogs is typically caused by skin dryness. Yet other underlying conditions may cause dry skin or skin flakiness, including thyroid disorders, dermatitis, Cushing's disease, lupus, ringworm, skin infections, flea allergies or mange. A dog that doesn't seem to have any of these more serious maladies may be treated with a few home remedies, but if you suspect it has a disease, head to the veterinarian for help.

Things You'll Need

  • Gentle dog shampoo
  • Oatmeal
  • Brush and grooming supplies
  • Quality dog food
  • Humidifier
  • Pet jacket
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      Identify all the symptoms your pet is displaying. If the flakiness is caused by dry skin, the dog may not show any other symptoms. Other symptoms will occur if the dog has an underlying condition. Watch out for hair loss in patches, thickening of the skin, itchiness, skin discoloration, pustules, ulcers, foul-odored skin, skin lesions or dullness of coat color.

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      Change the dog's shampoo if your dog doesn't display any symptoms other than flaky skin. Certain dogs don't respond well to harsh chemicals included in many commercial shampoos. Opt for a gentle dog formula or baby shampoo. Oatmeal baths may reduce flaky skin and reduce itchiness, which typically accompanies dry skin.

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      Bathe the dog only when necessary. Frequent bathing eliminates the oils secreted by the dog's skin and makes the skin dry.

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      Brush your dog frequently to spread the oils on the skin and to provide a massage that improves the circulation and the condition of the dog's skin.

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      Feed your pet a quality dog food formula. Your dog's diet is reflected on its skin, and if the diet lacks certain nutrients, the skin may be flaky. Consult your veterinarian about any vitamins or supplements that can reduce flakiness. Fatty-acid supplements and vitamin E moisturize the skin from within and improves the appearance of the coat.

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      Install a humidifier in your home during the cold seasons. Heating and dry air may trigger skin dryness and flakiness in dogs.

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      Protect your dog's skin from low temperatures and winds by giving it a warm jacket during winter.