Poodle Ear Pain Treatment

Ear pain in your poodle can be caused by a variety of reasons, and a diagnosis should be made by your veterinarian. Once classified, many ear related ailments in dogs can be easily treated. Outer ear issues are visible and simple to classify, while inner ear problems can be more complicated.
  1. Ear Pain Symptoms

    • When your poodle is experiencing ear pain, it is not always obvious what is happening with your dog. Ear pain is confusing to a dog because canines have difficulty with pain and body associations. Symptoms of a dog with ear pain can range from lethargy to excessive head shaking. Your dog may constantly scratch at his ears, cry out when they are touched or he may appear uncomfortable and unsettled. An ailment causing your dog ear pain may display itself visually. You might be able to see redness, discharge and swelling. An unpleasant odor associated with your dog's ears is also a sign your dog is experiencing ear pain.

    Possible Diagnosis

    • There are three common causes for ear pain in a poodle. The most common is an inner ear infection. Canine ear infections are the result of bacterial or fungal growth deep within the dog's ear. Ear mites will also cause your poodle ear pain. They can be seen from the outside, but will also burrow down into the dog's ear canal. Physical obstructions can be another cause for dog ear pain. Obstructions can sometimes be seen, but may be deep and out of sight.


    • A poodle's ears should be light pink and dry in appearance. Dog ear infections are treated with veterinary antiseptic and cleaning solutions. Symptoms, such as swelling and itchiness, are long lasting and your veterinarian may prescribe a combination treatment that includes ear drops, antibiotics and an anti-inflammatory, to help speed recovery.

      Ear mites can be recognized as small black grounds infesting the dog's ear and blocking the ear canal. Ear mires are easily treated and your vet will prescribe an anti-parasite medication. A deep cleaning may be necessary, depending on the severity of the infestation. For an inner ear cleaning your dog will have to be anesthetized.

      An ear obstruction can be removed manually at home, but great care should be taken not to cause further damage. If you are not sure how the obstruction is embedded, or how deeply, a veterinarian should be consulted. Also, if there is bleeding, a foul smell or signs of injury, take your dog to his veterinarian immediately. Your veterinarian has specific medical tools to remove ear obstructions and can treat any resulting damage or infection.


    • A weekly ear cleaning, with a veterinarian-approved ear cleaning solution, will minimize the risks for ear infection. poodles have hair growth within their ears and a regular grooming, with ear hair removal, will ward off potential infection. After bathing or swimming, your dog's ears should be dried with a clean towel, cotton ball or cotton swab.

      Ear mite prevention is more difficult, but keeping your dog's ears clean with a weekly inspection will help prevent an ear mite infestation. Ear mites are picked up outside and are highly contagious, passing from one animal to another. Outside cats are often the culprit for an ear mite contagion.

      Obstructions in your poodles ears can be prevented by removing all small items from within his reach. Small children should be monitored around your dog at all times. The most common reason for ear obstructions in dogs involve small children. Make sure your poodle does not swim in waters where there is a lot of floating debris. If your poodle digs frequently, always check his ears afterwards.