How to Leave Music or TV On for a Dog During the Day

Some dogs do not adapt well to being left alone. Certain dogs develop boredom or anxiety, and these dogs may chew furniture, shoes and walls to entertain themselves or relieve their tension. Sometimes, leaving the TV or music on helps relax them and give them a sense that things are normal. Dogs can hear higher decibel sounds than humans, and their sense of hearing overall is more acute than humans, so your dog is still likely to meet you at the door, even with the TV on.

Things You'll Need

  • VCR or DVD player (optional)
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      Observe your dog to see what it likes to watch on TV or listen to on the radio. You can also obtain videos or DVDs made especially for cats and dogs that your pet may enjoy watching. Some of the specially made videos for pets use soundtracks that employ only sounds that the animal hears. Since dogs are a social animal, TV shows and movies that that feature dogs and other animals may be entertaining for your dog. If you can access a classical music station on the radio, choose it for your dog's entertainment and stimulation. An 18-month study at Teikyo University found that dogs relaxed better listening to classical music.

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      Determine how much sound your radio or TV makes. If you live in an apartment or attached home, it's a good idea to ask your neighbors to let you know if they can hear your radio or TV. If they can, turn the sound down lower. Your dog likely has better hearing than you do.

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      Test your smoke detectors. When leaving any kind of appliance on all day, you run the risk of fires created by a hot appliance. If you live in a detached home, give a neighbor a phone number to contact you in case the alarm goes off. If you trust the neighbor and he's willing, provide a key for entry to get the dog out and call the fire department.