How to Care for a Springer Spaniel's Ears

Springer spaniels are energetic, fun-loving pets. Their long ears are silky smooth and fun to pet, but those long ears require special care to make sure your spaniel remains healthy. When looking in your spaniel's ears, you may notice a waxy build-up. Smelly ears should be checked by a veterinarian because the smell could indicate an infection; but regular wax is normal and can be taken care of at home.

Things You'll Need

  • Pet ear cleanser
  • Cotton swabs
  • Paper towels
  • Treats
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      Purchase a gentle ear cleanser from a veterinarian's office or local pet store. Choose a brand that specifically treats wax in long-eared dogs.

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      Lay the dog down and flip the ear over so the canal is exposed. Pour a small amount of the liquid into the ear canal and massage the ear from the base to the tip. The dog may not like the sensation and may try to squirm away, but some reassurance and a treat may help.

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      Use a cotton ball or a paper towel to gently remove the brown wax in the base of the ear. If the wax is stuck, apply more solution and massage for a few more minutes until the wax loosens. Discard the cotton balls after each use. Using the same cotton ball will only spread the wax around.

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      Use a cotton swab for the upper folds of the dog's ear, ensuring that the dog does not move during the process. Use a new cotton swab for each fold.

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      Repeat this process with the second ear, always using clean cotton swabs. After the cleaning is complete, allow your dog to shake its head to rid the ears of excess fluid. Give your dog reassurance and a treat.