The Reasons For Itchy Ears In Dogs

If your dog frequently scratches its ears or rubs its ears on you or your furniture, it is probably trying to relieve itchiness. Occasional itchy ears may not signal trouble for your dog, but when experienced often, this usually suggests a health issue that needs veterinarian treatment. Several possible causes could be at the root of your dog's itchy ears problem.
  1. Bacterial Infection

    • Just as humans can suffer from ear infections, so can dogs. The infection can cause inflammation of the inner or middle ear, leading to itchiness within the ear. These infections are usually the result of bacteria, but can also be caused by fungi or yeast. Regardless of the cause, veterinarian treatment is needed to clear up the infection; if left untreated, it can damage your dog's ears and could lead to deafness. Besides the itchiness, you should also look for symptoms such as head shaking, head titling, balance problems, strong odor from the ear and discomfort when chewing.


    • Mites are small arachnids that can be found almost anywhere, including most homes. Sometimes they can get inside your dog's ears and make a home there, causing itchiness. You can prevent this from happening through the regular use of flea medications designed to work on mites. Your veterinarian can prescribe appropriate options. If your dog's ears do become infested with mites, however, your vet can kill them using medicated ear drops. The ear canal will also need to be thoroughly cleaned, because the mites cause a buildup of waxy material in the ear.


    • Inflammation of the middle ear or the external ear canal can also be caused by allergies. While insect bites and parasites are some of the most common triggers for allergic reactions, the Fox Nest Veterinary Hospital estimates about 20 percent of dogs with these types of recurring bouts of ear inflammation suffer food allergies. To treat the problem, your veterinarian will need to identify the cause of the allergic reaction. Dietary changes, flea medications and other treatments may be necessary.


    • If your dog's ears have been damaged in some way, this can also cause the dog to rub or scratch at its ears. Your dog's scratching due to infections, mites or allergies can cause trauma to the ear. If you clean the inside of your dog's ear canal, this can sometimes cause trauma to the ear too. Your veterinarian can examine the inside of your dog's ears to look for signs of injury.


    • Although not the most common cause of ear itchiness in dogs, tumors can develop within the ear and cause discomfort for your pet. Usually, your veterinarian will rule out all other causes for the continued itchiness before looking at this possibility. If nothing else seems to help the problem, your veterinarian will probably do a biopsy to look for cancer cells. If a tumor is discovered, surgery might be possible, depending on the location of the tumor, and your dog may need chemotherapy.