Treat with Benadryl
Benadryl is an antihistamine sold over-the-counter for humans, that can be used to treat an itchy dog. Check with your vet first for the exact dosage. Benadryl is usually administered at 1 mg. per pound of the dog's weight. Your dog may experience some side effects from Benadryl, so watch for lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, disorientation or facial swelling. Call your vet immediately if any of these occur.
Don't give your dog anything other than original Benadryl tablets. Do not use combination formulas, such as Benadryl Sinus.
Soothing Rinse
Green tea can help stop itching. Avoid giving the dog a bath immediately. This may further irritate the skin and spread the hives. A tea rinse can help soothe the itching, made from either green tea or chamomile tea. Brew the tea and let it cool completely, and then gently rinse your dog with it. Let the dog air dry and reapply as needed.
Oatmeal Remedies
Use an oatmeal paste to help soothe the dog. Cook the oatmeal in water, adding enough to make a paste. Apply the paste liberally to the dog's itchy spots.
Once you've identified the cause of the hives, use an oatmeal shampoo to keep your pet clean and avoid skin irritations. Always rinse thoroughly.
Find the Cause
Ask your vet to help your dog avoid hives. Once your dog is comfortable, look for the cause of the hives. Have you used a new cleaning product, or shampoo? Maybe you introduced a new food to your dog. If so, begin eliminating possible causes to avoid a recurrence. A change in diet may solve the problem. Your vet may need to test the dog for allergies to find the answer and a long-term solution.
My Dog Has Hives That Itch
A dog with hives is allergic to something in its environment. It could be food, plants, insect bites or household cleaners. Most often, hives will make a dog itchy, but small bumps on the skin may be present as well. Your vet needs to determine the reason for the dog's hives in order to treat the cause. However, there are several ways to relieve your pet's itching and discomfort at home.