Clean the Eye Area
Excessive production of tears keeps the hair around the eyes moist at all times and this facilitates the growth of bacteria and yeast cells. Certain types of yeasts cause the white tear stains on boxers. If you clean the eye area daily, the tear stains are less likely to be visible. Treat the eye area with a clean cloth dipped in lukewarm water. Pat the area dry with a clean towel.
Milk of Magnesia, Cornstarch and Peroxide
Prepare a paste using equal amounts of peroxide and milk of magnesia, which can reduce the bacteria or yeast cells causing the excessive tearing, the All about Dogs website advises. Thicken the paste with cornstarch. Carefully apply the paste on the tear stains, avoiding the eyes. Allow the solution to work for up to four hours and rinse well. Apply the solution every other day, until the tear stains are gone.
Vinegar in Drinking Water
Add a few drops of vinegar to your dog's drinking water. This will change the pH of the tears and they are less likely to cause stains. The vinegar also eliminates bacteria and prevents yeast overgrowth. This home remedy is more effective as a preventative measure and works once you remove tear stains, reducing the risks of recurrence.
Corn Flour
Prepare a paste using 2 tsp. of corn flour and hot water. Add a drop of bleach and mix until obtaining a consistent paste. Cool the paste and apply it on the tear stains using cotton buds. Pay great attention to the eyes, because the paste may irritate the eyes. Allow the paste to work for one hour and remove it with a cotton ball dipped in lukewarm chamomile tea or water. You should see results within 2 weeks.
Consult Your Veterinarian
Home remedies may work in some boxers, but in others there may be no change, so you need to consult a specialist. If the tear stains are caused by a severe bacterial or fungal infection or a tear duct obstruction, have your dog checked and get topical treatment to remove the infectious agents. If the infections aren't treated, the infection may evolve and affect the dog's sight or lead to additional complications.