Dog Is Drooling, Acting Strange, Drinking Water and Breathing Heavily

Beating the heat can be difficult when the mercury rises. While humans can rely on air conditioning to stay cool, dogs rely on an internal system of cooling. Since dogs do not have sweat glands, they often pant and drink lots of water to cool down. While excessive panting and thirst may be a sign that your dog needs to cool down, it can also indicate dangerous ailments that can threaten your dog's life.
  1. Dehydration

    • Panting and drinking excessive water are common signs that your dog has become dehydrated. You may also notice that your dog's eyes appear sunken and that it seems lethargic. Test your dog's skin elasticity by pulling up on the scruff of your dog's neck. If the skin does not snap back into place, it may be dehydrated. Other signs of dehydration include fever, depression, dry mouth, vomiting and diarrhea. Water makes up 80 percent of your dog's body and is essential to good health. In a typical day, your dog needs 1 oz. of water per pound of body weight.


    • A dog exhibiting excessive thirst, heavy panting, strange behavior and drooling may be suffering from bloat, the second-leading killer of dogs behind cancer. The proper name for bloat is gastric dilatation-volvulus. A veterinarian can determine if your dog is experiencing bloat. Dogs experiencing bloat exhibit anxiety and have a "hunched up" appearance. If your dog is suffering from bloat, its abdomen may be tight like a drum. Certain dog breeds are more prone to bloat than others. The Great Dane, Gordon setter, Irish setter, Weimaraner and St. Bernard are the most commonly affected breeds, but any breed can be affected.

    Cushing's Disease

    • In older dogs, drooling, acting strage, drinking water and breathing heavily may be an indication of Cushing's disease. This disease is caused by malfunctioning glands, including the dog's pituitary gland. This may lead to a chronic excess of blood cortisol, which can poison your dog. You may also notice dark spots on your dog's skin. Other symptoms of Cushing's disease include excessive urination, food stealing, a pot-bellied appearance, a bony head, loss of muscle mass, thinning hair, wrinkled skin, hard lumps in the skin and easily bruised skin.

    Other Conditions

    • Your dog's symptoms can be an indication of various ailments, including cancer, liver disease, diabetes, diarrhea, infection, heart failure and kidney disease. Heavy panting in particular can be an indication of respiratory disorders including laryngeal paralysis, pneumonia and lung tumors. If you suspect that your dog's health is at risk, take it to a veterinarian immediately.