Overactive Saliva Glands in Dogs

Overactive salivary glands in dogs can mean a multitude of things, some of which are more concerning than others. Some dog breeds simply salivate more than others, while others are prone to disease of which excessive salivation can be a symptom. If you notice that your dog drools more than usual, it is best to seek vet care for a professional opinion. It is also important to arrive at the vet's office with an understanding of your dog's salivary health.
  1. The Kanine Cooling System

    • Panting and drooling in kanines is a method of cooling, and therefore is usually normal. While humans sweat to keep cool, the kanine cooling system functions mainly through an evaporation system on its tongue, which cools the blood near its throat and head. It is important that dogs receive plenty of water for this cooling reflex to function properly. They should also be kept out of extreme heats to avoid heat stroke, as this can cause excessive drooling or panting and may become life threatening.

    Mouth Health and Drooling

    • If your dog's drooling seems excessive and unnecessary he may suffer from tooth or mouth infections, cysts, periodontal disease or salivary tumors. Periodontal disease and other mouth infections may cause dogs to drool as a response to pain or in attempt to cleanse the mouth. Similarly, cysts in the mouth can be caused by lacerations or small cuts on the head or jaw area and can cause gland damage. As a result, this damage can cause saliva to leak from glands into fluid-filled mucoceles inside the mouth. Although rare, infections of the zygomatic gland may also be a cause of drooling, and can cause eye bulging or tender mouth. An zygomatic infection requires removal of the gland. Although rare, salivary tumors may manifest themselves as lumps on the side of the mouth or tongue and are usually malignant. If caught early, these tumors can be removed, and may increase the chances of your dog returning to full health.

    Ptyalism and Breed Susceptibilties

    • Ptyalism is the medical term for excessive drooling, also known as hypersalivation. Ptyalism is more common among certain breeds who are at higher risk for portosystemic shunt, which effects the way a dog's liver processes toxins. Young dogs may also be more susceptible to this disorder, which is most common in Yorkshire terriers, Maltese, Australian cattle dogs, miniature schnauzers and Irish wolfhounds. Similarly, hereditary esophogal enlargement and salivation may be common in wirehaired fox terriers and miniature schnauzers, German shepherds, Newfoundlands, Great Danes, Irish setters, Chinese shar-pei, greyhounds and retriever breeds. Other breeds like the Mastiff and St. Bernard are known for excessive drooling as a common breed attribute. With this in mind, it is important to remember that certain breeds may tend to drool more frequently as a result of their anatomy rather than disease.

    Other Possible Causes

    • Excessive drooling is a common side effect of several other diseases, which is why it is so important to get a professional opinion on your dog's drooling. Although many dogs drool because of heat exposure, breed disposition, or stress, some dogs may be drooling as a result of a more serious medial condition. Rabies, distemper, and pseudorabies can all induce drooling in your dog, and may be of concern if your dog is not up to date on their shots.