How to Apply a Warm Compress for Dogs

Use a warm compress on your dog to help it relax, to comfort it when in pain, or to relieve the pain of a joint injury, post-operative pain or arthritis. A warm compress can be helpful for a blocked anal gland or sebaceous cyst, as it may unplug the blockage and help release the mucus. Apply a compress to the outside of an infected ear to soothe the irritation.

Things You'll Need

  • Washcloth or small towel
  • Plastic bag
  • Hot water bottle
  • Thick towel
  • Treats
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  1. Ear Infections

    • 1

      Make a warm compress by placing a wet towel or washcloth in a plastic bag. Microwave this for a few seconds to warm it up. Test it on yourself before applying it to the dog to ensure that it will not burn.

    • 2

      Call the dog and get it to lie down in a position that seems comfortable. You should be able to reach the affected body part easily.

    • 3

      Apply the compress to the outside of the ear. Secure it with a bandage around the head and chin for as long as you want to keep it on.

    Anal Glands or Sebaceous Cysts

    • 4

      Make the compress in the same way as you would for an infected ear. Test the compress to ensure that it is not too hot before you apply it.

    • 5

      Persuade the dog to lie still by holding a treat in front of its nose. To apply the warm compress to the anal glands, hold it in position against the anus with one hand and keep the dog interested in the treat with the other hand.

    • 6

      Use the treat to keep the dog's attention and apply the compress to the site of a sebaceous cyst. Both anal glands and cysts can be sensitive, so be careful not to apply pressure that could hurt the dog.

    Arthritis and Painful Joints

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      Make a warm water bottle and wrap it in a thick towel. For dogs with arthritis or painful joints, place the wrapped bottle under a layer of the dog's bedding against the painful joint. This will enable the dog to change position as required and lie on the warm spot.

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      Call the dog to its bed and place the wrapped bottle against the joint or the site of the pain. Keep the dog calm and in position by stroking it or holding a treat in front of it for the time you want it to lie still.

    • 9

      Apply the compress three times a day to get maximum benefit. Leave it in place for 20 minutes each time, and if necessary reheat a towel compress halfway.