Bloat happens when the dog's stomach becomes filled with too much gas or liquid and twists. This health condition is serious and can cause severe pain and even death. When the basset hound's stomach twists, its blood supply becomes cut off, and it can go downhill quickly. Basset hounds are particularly prone to this disease because they have large, deep chests.
Your basset hound could be experiencing bloat if it has a swollen abdomen, and if it has been trying to vomit, but no bile is released. Basset hounds with bloat also can become restless, drool profusely, and have stomach pain and shallow, fast breathing.
One way to treat bloat is for your veterinarian to insert a tube down the dog's throat to try to get rid of the excess gas. If that does not work, the veterinarian may have to perform a surgical procedure to un-twist the stomach. While he is performing this surgery, the veterinarian may opt to staple the stomach into place so that it cannot twist again.
Bloat is often caused by a basset hound's behavior, so there are some ways that you can attempt to prevent it. First, feed your basset hound two or three small meals a day, rather than one large meal. Also, you should take away the dog's water during meal time and offer it again after the dog has finished eating. This will prevent the dog from gulping an excessive amount of air into its stomach while it is eating. Do not allow your basset hound to have a lot of exercise just before or after eating.