Lemon Eucalyptus for Use on Dogs

According to the Centers for Disease Control, lemon eucalyptus oil is as effective as low concentrations of chemical pest repellents such as DEET. It is plant-based and completely natural, so many pet owners believe it is safer to use on dogs than commercial products. It is effective for preventing mosquito bites and fleas, and its bright, fresh scent is appealing to both people and pets.
  1. Pest Control

    • The most popular use for lemon eucalyptus on a dog is as a pest repellent. Apply the oil to a leather dog collar and put the collar on your dog. The collar should be fully saturated, so instead of applying drops individually, rub the oil on the collar with a cloth or let the collar soak in a mix of lemon eucalyptus and almond oil. Reapply the oil to the collar at least every two weeks.


    • Bathing a dog in lemon eucalyptus shampoo eliminates the musty odor dogs sometimes develop. Mix several drops of lemon eucalyptus oil with an unscented dog shampoo. Choose a shampoo free of controversial ingredients or make your own by boiling Ivory soap shavings and water. Apply the shampoo liberally to your dog and massage into its fur and skin. When finished, rinse thoroughly and dry with a fluffy towel. Bathing your dog once a week prevents odors and provides additional protection from pests.

    Skin Fungus

    • Dogs suffer from skin problems just like humans. The itchy, dry and flaky patches you occasionally have on your scalp are also a problem for dogs. If left untreated, fur falls out and lesions become swollen, painful and infected. Natural remedies soothe the irritation without irritating sensitive skin. Lemon eucalyptus has antibiotic, antiviral, antiseptic and antifungal properties. Applied directly to a dog's coat, it cures dandruff, helps sores heal, prevents fungal infections and eliminates candida. To combat skin problems, blend several drops of lemon eucalyptus with almond oils and apply directly to the problem area with a dropper.

    Mood Enhancer

    • Dogs suffer from mood imbalances similar to humans. When a household change occurs, such as a human companion returning to work full-time, a dog's life is disrupted. These changes affect a pet's mood and might cause depression, sadness or anxiety. Though nobody knows for sure exactly what their pet is feeling, behavioral changes such as excessive licking, pacing and whining signify depression. Depressed pets exhibit droopy, lethargic and unmotivated behavior. Use essential oils such as lemon eucalyptus to help pets adjust to household changes. Diffusion and inhalation are the best solutions to help a pet boost its mood. A diffuser is used to evaporate the oil, which is then inhaled by those in the area. Fill the diffuser with lemon eucalyptus and let it burn for approximately 30 minutes. This should help a dog's mood improve if done once or twice a day for at least a week.