Microscopic Dysplasia in a Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire terrier is most recognized for its petite size, and long sable and silver coat. Yorkshire terriers are at risk of a retinal disorder that can result in a form blindness called progressive retinal atrophy also known as microscopic or retinal dysplasia. The three different forms of the disease range from mild to severe.
  1. Forms of Retinal Dysplasia

    • Retinal dysplasia can either be from an inherited or viral condition present from birth. The mildest form of the disease causes one or more folds in the retina, but the severity of which it effects the dog's vision is unknown. The second form of the disease (geographic) causes disorganization of the retina and impairs the dog's vision. The most severe form causes blindness due to the detachment of the retina.

    Risk and Prevention

    • Breeders who do not promote the quality of the breed with selective breeding and optimal rearing conditions contribute to unsound pups. Any dog that suffers from retinal dysplasia should not be bred to prevent the decline of the breed. While this disease is not fully understood, quality dog foods with good sources of vitamin A and other nutrients that promote eye health for breeds that are susceptible to retinal dysplasia may reduce the chance of mild forms of retinal dysplasia that occur with aging canines.

    Treatment Options

    • No known treatments exist for geographic and detached forms of retinal dysplasia. For owners willing to keep their yorkies after blindness, patience and early training is necessary for the transition to be smooth and successful for both owner and yorkie. Animal hospitals and breed rescue groups may have lists of support groups for those who are working to maintain a quality of life for both owner and dog, as well.


    • For owners who may consider surrendering their yorkie, think about contacting breed rescue organizations for support and management techniques that create alternatives for surrendering a blind yorkie. Yorkshire terriers are loyal companions that can have a quality life that includes regular exercise time, walks and outings with a committed owner.