Low Lymphocytes in a Canine

In dogs, the condition of a low level of lymphocytes in the blood is referred to as lymphopenia. These low levels of lymphocytes are often detected by the veterinarian during blood tests. Although low levels of lymphocytes can indicate serious health issues, such as cancer, they can also point to simpler, more easily treated issues, such as a dog simply being stressed out.
  1. Identification: Lymphocytes

    • Lymphocytes, or lymphs, are white blood cells that are a part of the body's immune system. Lymphocytes are the body's main defense against invading infections. These white blood cells also aid in developing antibodies, which help protect the dog against future infections.


    • Low levels of lymphocytes may indicate a viral infection in the bone marrow or sepsis. Other health issues connected to low lymphocyte levels include intestinal lymphangiectasia, a condition where the lymph vessels are dilated because of inflammation. Additional causes of low lymphocytes can include issues as simple as stress or diarrhea, or as complex as lymphoma.


    • There are no symptoms that directly relate to low lymphocytes. However, because low lymphocyte levels occur alongside various illness, symptoms relating to these illnesses can occur. This could vary greatly from lethargy to diarrhea, from abnormal behavior to weight loss or vomiting. Contact your dog's veterinarian concerning any symptoms that are persistent..


    • Treatment for low lymphocytes is aimed at the cause, rather than at the lymphocytes. For example, if the dog is suffering from intestinal lymphangiectasia, then treatment is aimed at reducing the inflammation with medications such as prednisone. Dietary changes may also be necessary. Meanwhile, if low lymphocyte levels are occurring being cause of lymphoma, then treatment is aimed at the lymphoma. This could include treatment options such as chemotherapy, pain medications, and supportive therapy.