Home Remedies That Will Take Tartar Off a Dog's Teeth

Proper oral hygiene is just as important for dogs as it is for humans. Having healthy teeth will give your beloved companion a better quality of life, but may sometimes feel like a hassle since a professional cleaning is done by a veterinarian and can get quite expensive. If you have found your dog to have tartar, which forms when plaque remains on the teeth, there are remedies you may try from the comfort of your home before seeking professional assistance.
  1. Oral Hygeine

    • Keep your dog's teeth clean by practicing good oral hygiene. This will not only help to treat the tartar build-up currently on its teeth, but prevent more from forming. Pet stores will have two types of toothbrushes for dogs; a standard toothbrush and a finger toothbrush. If your dog does not like the regular toothbrush, a finger toothbrush might work better. Do not use your toothpaste on your dog's teeth; get a toothpaste specifically for pets since it is safe to swallow. It is recommended you brush your dog's teeth daily, or at least a few days a week.

    Food and Treats

    • One way to get ride of plaque and tartar from your dog's teeth is to give it food and treats that are labeled to help with dental care. The hard and crunchy varieties of dog food and treats are a natural way to clean your dog's teeth in between brushing and professional dental cleanings. Ask your veterinarian for recommended brands and varieties that will help remove tartar.


    • Another way to give your dog a natural remedy for cleaning tartar off its teeth is through dog toys. Many chewing toys not only entertain your dog and strengthen its teeth, but clean the teeth and gums as well. Choose dog toys that are rubbery or tough, like a Kong toy filled with crunchy treats or a rawhide bone.

    Professional Dental Cleaning

    • If the home remedies for cleaning tartar have not shown improvement, you will need to take your dog to the veterinarian for a professional cleaning. Your dog should have this done about every six months for healthy gums. The veterinarian will give your dog anesthesia before the cleaning so it does not feel anything, but wakes up with clean gums and teeth. This can be an expensive procedure, so it is important to take care of your dog's teeth in between professional cleanings in order to prevent gum disease.