A Healthy Diet
Dogs require balanced nutrition, including vitamins and oils. Feeding a dog a healthy diet enriched with natural proteins and oils will give its coat a natural shine as well as contribute to its overall health. A dry coat can be an underlying symptom of a nutrient deficiency, so finding the right food often makes a difference in many areas of a dog's appearance. Oils found in fish-based dog food have lots of essential ingredients. Some dogs may also require supplements such as flax seed oil.
Natural Proteins
Natural yogurt is rich in protein. Proteins such as vegetable oils and dairy products restore natural moisture to a dog's body. Olive oil can be applied directly to the dog's hair, but if you want to avoid the mess, you can try giving it a tablespoon of oil directly in its food. Yogurt and eggs are also tasty treats that will please your dog while improving the quality of its coat.
A Good Brush
Brushing your dog regularly contributes to a healthy coat. Brushing your dog gets rid of the old hair and dry skin, and can stimulate the natural oils needed to make a coat glossy and healthy. Brush your long-haired dog often with a brush designed for your particular breed.
Bathing Your Dog
Natural dog shampoos can be made at home. There are natural, organic shampoos available for use on your dog. Ensure you rinse your dog thoroughly after using a natural dog shampoo as residue left behind can contribute to dry skin. If bathing alone doesn't solve the problem, you can try adding a cup of oatmeal or some epsom salts to the bathwater. Both these products moisturize the skin, which in turn moisturize the hair.
Natural Remedy for a Dog's Dry Coat
A shiny coat is a sign of a dog in good health, but occasionally a dog's coat becomes dry. Hot dry summers or very cold winters can contribute to dry coats. In some cases, lack of proper essential oils or unbalanced nutrition can also be the cause. A natural remedy can often be found at home to relieve your dog's dry coat without having to resort to synthetic or chemical cures.