Natural Ways to Cure Hookworms in Puppies

Hookworms are a common parasite infecting humans, cats and dogs. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 600 million to 740 million people worldwide are infected with hookworm. Hookworms live in the small intestines of humans and dogs and pass out through the body in fecal matter. A puppy contracts hookworms by eating infected fecal matter. Learn the signs of hookworm infection and what natural cures are available.
  1. How Puppies Get Infected

    • Puppies can get hookworms by eating infected fecal matter from other dogs. They can also be born with hookworms if their mother has hookworm. Puppies may contract hookworms from their mothers' milk as hookworm larvae may migrate from the small intestine to the milk supply. Hookworm larvae can live outside in moist soil or on damp grass. If a puppy eats the soil or grass with the hookworm larvae on it, the larvae will migrate to the puppy's intestines where it will reproduce and feed off the intestinal lining of the puppy.

    Signs of Hookworm Infection

    • Hookworm infestation can produce black tarry fecal matter or sometimes bloody diarrhea. Another sign of hookworm infestation is frequent vomiting and lack of appetite. If your puppy seems weak or appears to be growing slowly or having frequent bloody stools, take it to your veterinarian for a checkup.

    Treating Hookworm

    • Hookworm infestations are easy to cure. Veterinarians will recommend an oral de-wormer. Anything with pyrantel pamoate as an active ingredient will rid the puppy of worms as long as it is administered three times over a 12-week period. Because hookworm is such a common infection in puppies, many veterinarians recommend treating puppies when they are two weeks old with de-wormers whether or not they are showing signs for hookworm infection.

    Natural Hookworm Remedies

    • Natural hookworm remedies are available for purchase. Look for brands like Parasite Dr. which contain herbs like wormwood, cloves, neem and herb of grace. Once you treat your puppy with a natural de-wormer, avoid feeding the puppy raw meat or fish as these can be a source of transmitting hookworm. Pick up your yard and anywhere the puppy plays so no fecal matter is ever present. Get in the habit of picking up fecal matter immediately after your puppy goes to the bathroom. Watch your puppy carefully while on walks to make sure it doesn't eat other dogs' fecal matter. If the natural remedy does not work after a few weeks, take your dog to the veterinarian and get a prescription hookworm medication.