The Effects of Cortisone on Canines

Cortisone, also known as Prednisone, treats ailments in canines, like allergies, asthma, spinal cord injuries, rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn's disease. The cortisone is a type of steroid prescribed for its anti-inflammatory properties. High dosages and long-term use of cortisone will raise the risk of side effects in canines, such as frequent urination, medical conditions, weight gain and skin problems.
  1. Urinary and Gastrointestinal Problems

    • Increased thirst is a common side effect of cortisone in canines. Due to the increased thirst, dogs will also urinate more frequently. Gastrointestinal problems such as, diarrhea, vomiting and stomach ulcers may also occur with the use of cortisone. The increased urination and gastrointestinal discomfort will typically result in bathroom accidents, so take extra precaution for indoor animals. If these symptoms escalate, the canine could be suffering from Canine Cushing's Disease, caused by a hormone imbalance from the cortisone.

    Medical Conditions

    • Extended use of the cortisone could result in canine diabetes. This may happen when the dog's body cannot absorb the amount of insulin being produced, or if the dog is not producing enough insulin. Canine eye disease or other issues with the eyes, like glaucoma, cataracts and weak eyesight are also possible side effects. Too much cortisone may also cause fatigue and muscle weakness in canines.

    Weight Gain

    • Increased appetite is also a typical symptom of cortisone. The increased appetite can lead to an unusual weight gain in canines. This can develop into more serious health concerns for the dog, such as canine diabetes. There is also a possibility that the weight gain stemmed from water retention or fluid build-up in the dog's stomach, both being symptoms of the cortisone.

    Skin and Hair Problems

    • The canine may experience a thinning of the skin from the use of cortisone. When the skin thins, it becomes more susceptible to acquiring skin infections and prolong healing of the infections, too. Any itching or hives that the canine experiences could be from an allergic reaction to the cortisone. Hair loss is another frequent side effect, along with the dog's coat lacking a healthy appearance.