State of Florida Recommendations for Puppy Vaccinations

If not properly vaccinated, a puppy can become ill from coming in contact with elements in its environment, including the back yard. Wild animals carry diseases that can be fatal if puppies are not properly vaccinated. Florida recommends some vaccinations, and requires others, to help prevent illness and the spread of diseases in dogs.
  1. Series of Boosters

    • Florida recommends that a series of booster shots be given to puppies starting when they are 8 weeks old. Puppies receive booster shots every three to four weeks over the course of 16 weeks. Boosters include required rabies injections and DHP+P booster.


    • The DHP+P is a series of three booster shots. The "D" stands for distemper, a viral infection that attacks a puppy's nervous system, respiratory organs and gastrointestinal organs. The "H" is for hepatitis, a viral infection that can be fatal to puppies under age 1. The first "P" is for the virus para influenza, the leading cause of kennel cough, which attacks the respiratory system. The second "P" stands for parvovirus, which attacks the small intestine and can cause bloody diarrhea, loss of appetite and vomiting.

    DHP+P Schedule

    • Florida recommends that the first DHP+P booster be given at 8 weeks of age. The second booster is given at about 12 weeks, and the final booster is given at 16 weeks. Additional DHP+P boosters are given annually to dogs along with required rabies shots.

    Required Vaccinations

    • Florida requires puppies be given a first rabies shot at 4 months old. Additional rabies shots are given to dogs when annual vaccinations, such as DHP+P boosters, are given. Rabies shots are required in Florida, and owners can be fined, or can lose their pet, if the shots are not given annually.