What Are Good Exercises for My American Bull Dog?

The American bulldog was bred to assist farmers with work on small farms and guard and hunt game. It can be a loyal, protective and loving companion and is patient with small children. As a working dog, however, the American bulldog has plenty of energy to spare and does best in a household that can provide daily exercise. Without physical and mental stimulation, an American bulldog can become bored, frustrated and destructive.
  1. Walking

    • Daily walks are an essential activity for any dog. A healthy American bulldog will enjoy long walks that allow it to get out of the house and experience a change in sights, smells and sounds. If you choose walking as your daily exercise, make time for two walks every day. Each walk should be approximately 30 minutes long. Take walks during the cooler parts of the day, such as in the morning or the evening, so that your American bulldog does not overheat. You can also bring water and a portable dish along if you plan to be out long.

    Tug-of-War and Fetch

    • These games are good ways to burn off your American bulldog's energy. Spend 15 minutes a day playing with your American bulldog. Not only will this help it burn off some extra energy, it will give the two of you some one-on-one bonding time that your bulldog will appreciate. Structured play time provides physical exercise and mental stimulation, as it allows your bulldog to engage in instinctive behaviors such as chasing, chewing, shaking and shredding. If you give your bulldog an acceptable outlet for these behaviors, it will be less likely to practice them on your furniture, carpet or walls.


    • If you enjoy running, leash up your American bulldog and take it with you on a cool day. This extra vigorous exercise will burn off extra energy even faster than daily walks and will be enjoyable for both you and your bulldog. If you do take your American bulldog jogging, take plenty of water, as well as a portable water dish. Dehydration and overheating can be dangerous for your dog. Don't jog in the heat of the day. Only take your American bulldog out in the mornings or evening when it is cooler.


    • A working dog, the American bulldog thrives when it has a job to do. You can provide this by continuing your dog's training and enrolling it in canine competition sports. In most cases, these sports take intensive training that will challenge your American bulldog mentally. They are also physically demanding and can help it get the exercise it needs to stay healthy. Research the sports such as agility, disc dog, dock diving, rally and fly ball to see which sport would best fit your dog's needs. Look for professional trainers in your area that can help you get started.