Dogs Drinking Obsessively

Dogs, like humans and other animals, need to drink water to survive. However, drinking too much water can harm a dog's health and often signals an underlying problem. In some cases the problem can be minor and easily fixed by changing the dog's diet or medication. Sometimes, though, the problem is a sign of a serious medical condition, and a trip to the veterinarian is the only way to ascertain the cause.
  1. Cushing's Syndrome

    • Cushing's syndrome is caused by the excessive secretion of steroid hormones by the adrenal glands. A key symptom of Cushing's syndrome is obsessive thirst, along with excessive urination. It is more common in older small-breed dogs. Hair loss, a potbelly, skin diseases and changes in behavior are additional symptoms. If you spot any of these, take the dog to a vet immediately.


    • Diabetes causes excessive urination in canines and leads to abnormal thirst, much as in humans. If untreated, diabetes can affect the liver, lead to kidney failure and even cause death. Obese female dogs are most at risk from diabetes, and early diagnosis is vital if the condition is to be reversed. Once diabetes is diagnosed in your pet, regular monitoring is necessary to make sure that your pet remains in good condition for the rest of his life. Drinking large quantities of water may be a sign, and you should seek immediate veterinary assistance.

    Medical Side Effects

    • Dogs can suffer from a variety of medical conditions that require medication to correct. If a medication contains steroids, it can cause excessive thirst. Generally steroids are prescribed to treat allergies, kidney problems and extreme itching. If a dog begins to drink obsessively, it may be necessary to describe the side effects to a vet; she may be able to change the prescription.

    Diarrhea and Fever

    • From time to time, dogs can suffer from illnesses that lead to diarrhea. In such circumstances, they will drink more to make up for fluids lost. Dogs also tend to drink more if they have a fever.