What to Give Bulldogs for Indigestion

Bulldogs can be a great addition to your family and are often a popular breed due to their quiet temperament and lazy demeanor. However, due to this lethargic disposition, bulldogs also can be somewhat prone to indigestion and flatulence. These dogs have a shorter digestive track and the pushed-in face of the breed causes them to take in more air while eating which can add to the problem. There are a variety of things you can do to help treat and even prevent these conditions in your pet.
  1. Lime Water

    • Lime water can be given to your bulldog on a daily basis to help prevent indigestion. Place a tablespoon of lime water twice a day in their drinking water, or twice a day in their food when they are puppies.

    Smaller Meals

    • Give your bulldog three to four small meals throughout the course of the day instead of one to two large meals only in the morning or evening. When dogs are given larger meal that are spaced out, they tend to eat very quickly, which causes them to ingest more air, leading to indigestion and gas.

    Premium-Grade Dog Food

    • Give your bulldog premium-grade dog food that contains healthy ingredients such as chicken, beef or eggs. The ingredients in lower-grade dog food can include items that are difficult to digest and can cause indigestion. Avoid any dog food that contains the words "by-product" in the list of ingredients.


    • Some herbs can be made into a tea and used to treat indigestion in your bulldog. They work by reducing nausea and intestinal inflammation. These herbs can include golden seal, chamomile and ginger. Use 2 cups of water per tea bag or 2 cups of water and 1 tsp. of golden seal, ginger or chamomile. If using fresh herbs and not tea bags, strain the liquid before you give it to your dog.