Ways to Keep Your Rottweiler Entertained

Rottweilers are a powerful breed of dog that need a lot of stimulation in order to be happy. If you are having difficulty entertaining your dog at the level that it deserves, there are things you can do. If you treat your rottweiler well, it will provide you years of loyalty and companionship.
  1. Dog Sitting and Walking

    • If you are having trouble taking the time to keep your rottweiler entertained, consider hiring a dog sitter or a dog walker for certain times of the day. Rottweilers are easy to keep entertained when they are being and played with and exercised. A dog sitter could play games of fetch with your dog, while a walker could take him on a daily invigorating stroll around your neighborhood. Either way, your dog is getting stimulation, which is what it needs to be happy.

    Home Access

    • Provide your rottweiler with greater access to your home to keep it entertained, even while you are at home. Dogs that are placed in kennels have a hard time getting the exercise that they need to feel happy and fulfilled. Allow your dog some space to play and wander around in, even if you have to remove unsafe or breakable objects from the area. A fenced-in yard works well for this also.

    Doggie Day Care

    • Doggie day care is a good idea if you spend long hours away from your dog, particularly if he is not able to be alone in parts of your home without destroying things. Doggie day care provides socialization, games, toys and training for your dog in addition to supervision that you cannot provide if you are not around. It is extremely important for dogs to be socialized and this will help keep your dog entertained and happy during the day, as well as make life easier on you when you take your rottweiler out in public.

    Multiple Pets or Toys

    • Consider getting another dog to play with your rottweiler. While having two dogs might be a lot of work, they will be able to keep each other company while you are busy or not around. Make sure that the dogs are able to get along before leaving them alone together. Rottweilers get along well with other dogs, particularly if they were socialized when they were puppies. In addition, consider keeping interactive toys in your home for your rottweiler to play with. When it comes to toys tough is better, as rottweilers have strong jaws and teeth. Interactive toys make sounds or create movements that will help keep your dog entertained.

    Other Options

    • Your rottweiler is probably not bored while you are home with it, so try to schedule your day so that you have plenty of time to spend with your pup. If you can take it on a walk in the morning and evening then it will have less chance of being bored during the day. Even better, try to come home for a break during the day to spend some time exercising. Rottweilers love to play with their owners so this will help ensure that your dog is entertained throughout the day.