Yorkie Tooth Care

Tooth decay in Yorkies is quite common if regular dental routine is not followed early on. This can ultimately result in bad breath, tooth loss, gum diseases, mouth infections and digestion problems. To avoid such problems, take your pet for professional teeth cleaning at regular intervals and maintain a tooth care routine at home.
  1. Yorkie Diet

    • In their natural habitat, Yorkies feed on meaty bones, grass, fruits, vegetables and fibrous foods. These food items act as abrasives and help in removing the plaque from their teeth and maintaining healthy gums. On the other hand, moist and canned foods have chemicals and additives that lead to decay and teeth damage, as they get stuck between the teeth or rest on the enamel and result in plaque formation, as there is no abrasive action while eating.

    Yorkie Dental Problem Symptoms

    • The most common symptom of a dental problem in a Yorkie is discoloration of teeth near the gum line. The plaque deposits are initially yellowish in color and then turn deep caramel, brown and finally black. In the case of severe dental damage, the gums around the tooth turn bright red or bleed and the dog displays irritable behavior. The tooth may fall out or become loose, making it hard for the dog to eat the foods that supply the required nutrition they need. This can lead to deficiencies and severe health problems.

    Yorkie Dental Routine

    • Yorkies should ideally be trained for dental routines at a young age. Start training the dog by stroking its front teeth with your fingers after it finishes a heavy meal. At this time, the dog would be less playful and less inclined to bite. Make your pet feel that this is not like other games and train it to remain calm. Reward your dog generously when it does not bite. Gradually move to the teeth toward the back of the mouth. Ensure that you do not touch the gums or cause discomfort to your pet. Slowly introduce a dog toothbrush with a specially-formulated canine toothpaste and gently stroke the teeth without damaging his gum line.

      Follow a thorough brushing routine at least twice a week. On the other days, you can just give the dog's teeth a quick brush.

    Yorkie Tooth Care Tips

    • Provide safe and edible abrasive items like meaty knuckle bones and nylon bones to chew; these help scrap off the plaque deposits. Avoid giving the dog hard toys, as they may cause the teeth to fracture or chip. Schedule regular visits to the vet to get the teeth cleaned professionally.