How to Fix a Pitbull Dog

To "fix" a pit bull means to have it spayed or neutered. Female dogs are spayed, and male dogs are neutered. Arranging to have a pet fixed just takes a simple phone call to your preferred veterinarian. Be aware that any surgery poses a risk for complications. But if you're sure you want to proceed, then with some extra cash and a free afternoon, anyone can get a pit bull fixed.


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      Select a veterinarian for your dog. Pit bulls should have a vet within a couple weeks of adoption to get necessary shots and a check-up. The average pit bull is neutered or spayed when it's 6 to12 months old.

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      Calculate the cost of the surgery to see if it is affordable. Prices vary per doctor and weight of the animal, but the typical cost is $50 to $100 for the procedure.

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      Schedule an appointment with the veterinarian to discuss spaying or neutering your pit pull. The doctor should inform you about the risks: your dog won't grow to its full potential if neutered too early; females develop a more feminine appearance if they are spayed later in life; and post-surgery infections are possible.

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      Schedule a date for the surgery, and be sure to follow any preoperative instructions from your veterinarian to ensure the best results.

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      Observe your pit bull throughout the healing process, which lasts around seven days. The dog's appetite will gradually return within a day after the surgery. Lethargy, diarrhea and vomiting 24 hours after the survey is not normal. Contact the vet immediately if your pit bull experiences these symptoms.