How to Pull Out Ticks

Ticks are a parasite that bite and feed on blood, and the bacteria they transmit can be harmful to a person or pet. Ticks attach themselves to their host animal by burying mouth parts into the animal's skin. The bacteria is then able to flow into your the bloodstream. Diseases that found in ticks are Lyme disease, tick paralysis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever and anaplasmosis. Immediate removal of the tick lowers the chances of contracting one of these diseases.

Things You'll Need

  • Tweezers
  • Alcohol
  • Antibiotic ointment
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    • 1

      Take a firm hold of the tweezers. Push just under the skin where the tick's head has entered the animal.

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      Grab the head firmly with the tweezers. With a smooth motion, pull in the direction that the tick entered. This will help keep the tick intact so that you may retrieve the entire insect.

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      Place the tick into a small bowl or jar of alcohol. The tick will die and will not be able to reattach to the animal.

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      Wash the infected area with soap and water. Apply the antibiotic ointment.