How to Use Frontline & Bathing

Frontline is a liquid topical product which is applied to the back of a cat's or dog's neck to kill and repel fleas and ticks. Applied correctly, it is effective for 30 days after application, at which point it needs to be applied again. The small amount of liquid applied to the pet uses the oil in the pet's coat to spread to the rest of the pet's body in a process called translocation. Bathing a pet too soon before or after application can make the Frontline ineffective.

Things You'll Need

  • Soap-free shampoo
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      Permit your pet to go swimming, if desired, and bathe your pet (if necessary) using a soap-free shampoo designed for the type of pet.

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      Allow your pet to dry completely.

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      Apply a single dose of the appropriate size Frontline for your pet to the back of your pet's neck once the coat has completely dried.

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      Allow at least 24 hours after the Frontline application before bathing your pet again. The spot where you applied the Frontline should be completely dry by this point. If it is not completely dry, wait an extra 24 hours. Do not permit your pet to go swimming during this time.

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      Bathe your pet using the soap-free shampoo after the Frontline has completely dried. A soap-free shampoo will not strip the oils from your pet's skin and fur, so the Frontline will remain effective for 30 days.