Olive Oil for Dogs With Hair Loss

Olive oil has long been heralded for its therapeutic benefits, including treating dry skin and hydrating hair. When olive oil is ingested, it lubricates mucous membranes, stimulates metabolism and helps the digestive system.
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    • Olive oil contains 14 percent fatty acids, 9 percent polyunsaturated fatty acids, 77 percent monounsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E and vegetable mucilage. Olive oil was used in ancient civilizations to heal wounds, and to this day it is considered a good moisturizer and remedy for skin and hair problems.

    Olive Oil Benefits

    • If your dog is experiencing hair loss, supplement its diet with olive oil. It can also be applied topically to your dog's coat. Add 1 teaspoon per 15 pounds of the dog's weight to its dry dog food and see if this curtails the hair loss. Olive oil rehydrates your dog's coat, and it also protects its skin. Wet your dog's fur and gently rub in some olive oil. Leave the oil in for half an hour and then bathe your dog. This will make its coat shine and improve its overall health.

    Deficiencies and Dry Scalp

    • When a dog has a vitamin or nutrient deficiency, this can cause him to lose hair, experience skin allergies and have a dull-looking coat. Hair loss in dogs and humans is sometimes the result of dry scalp. If the dog is short on iron and protein and isn't getting enough water, this can cause a dry scalp. Rubbing olive oil into its skin and fur will safeguard against hair loss. If your dog has a skin irritation, applying warm olive oil to its skin will relieve inflammation.

    Another Approach

    • Mix together almond oil, castor oil and almond oil and apply this to your dog's skin and fur. Regularly massaging the dog's fur with warm oil is beneficial to the dog's skin and fur. When olive oil is applied to the hair and scalp, it serves as a clarifying agent. It removes chemicals and dirt in your dog's fur.


    • Make sure that your dog is getting an adequate diet. If he isn't this is contributing to its hair loss. If application of olive oil and improvement in its diet doesn't solve the problem, consult with your vet.