How to Treat Demodex on the Skin and Hair

Demodex is one of three types of mange that affect animals. It is caused by skin mites that attack animals, particularly dogs, that are susceptible to the condition. Disease, steroid medication, a weak immune system and parasites are a few of the reasons a dog will fall victim to this condition. The good news is that it is treatable -- it is not easily passed to other animals -- and it does not pass to humans. Proper care will clear the condition up in a few weeks.


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      Take the dog to the vet. The vet will shave off some of the hair and do a skin scraping to test the dead skin to verify what type of mange it is. It is important to verify the type of mange for the correct treatment.

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      Follow the treatment the vet prescribes. This is usually a combination of medicinal baths and oral medication. Continue the treatment until the medication is completely used up, to prevent a relapse.

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      Feed the dog a high-quality, balanced diet. A strong immune system is important to fight off demodex mange and the bacterial infections that can follow. Ask your vet for advice on high-quality food choices or choose a holistic dog food made with human-grade ingredients.

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      Spay or neuter your dog. This is particularly important with female dogs, because the condition can flare up again when they go into heat. Dogs who get demodex mange are also genetically susceptible to the condition and will pass it on to their puppies, so it is better not to breed them.