How to Make an Oatmeal Conditioner for Dogs

Due to skin conditions, exposure or simple genetic predisposition, some dogs are inclined to have dry, itchy skin just as people do. When the skin is itchy enough, the dog may scratch itself vigorously, leaving the skin even more irritated and removing clumps of hair as well. If your dog has been suffering from dry skin, use an oatmeal bath to condition the skin, leaving your dog feeling calm and soothed.

Things You'll Need

  • Bowl
  • Spoon
  • Dry oatmeal
  • Clean old sock
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    • 1

      Fill a bowl with a mixture that is half dry oatmeal and half water. While 1 cup of each ingredient works well if you have a small- to medium-sized dog, you can simply increase the amount for a larger dog.

    • 2

      Stir the oatmeal with a spoon until it becomes thick and slightly sticky.

    • 3

      Pour the oatmeal mixture into a clean old sock and twist the top of the sock closed.

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      Place the dog in the bath tub to catch any spilled oatmeal.

    • 5

      Rub the oatmeal-filled sock over the areas where the dog is experiencing dry skin for up to 10 minutes.

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      Rinse the dog lightly when its skin has been thoroughly conditioned.