How Do I Feed Puppies if the Mother Can't?

If your dog gives birth to puppies but is unable to feed them due to an illness or other problem, you must step in and feed them using a bottle and puppy formula. Bottle-feeding puppies is time consuming and requires dedication, but is the only way they will survive. There are special considerations and safety measures to take when bottle-feeding, including equipment sterilization or feeding position. Nurture your newborns into growing puppies and once they reach 6 to 7 weeks of age, you can transition from formula to dry food.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog nursing bottle
  • Dog milk replacement formula
  • Antibacterial soap
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      Boil enough water to make the amount of formula required to feed your puppies. The quantity is found on the puppy replacement formula packaging.

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      Allow the water to cool to a little above room temperature.

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      Mix the formula in a separate bowl with the cooled boiled water.

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      Disinfect the puppy nursing bottle with hot water and antibacterial soap.

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      Fill the bottle with a few ounces of formula. The amount each puppy needs is based on its age and size. A good rule of thumb is 1 cc per ounce of body weight every 3 to 4 hours, increasing the quantity and decreasing the frequency with age.

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      Remove one puppy at a time from the litter.

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      Place the puppy on its belly and support its neck and shoulders with one hand while holding the bottle facing the puppy's mouth with your other hand.

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      Use your fingers to gently open its mouth and then squeeze a small drop of milk from the bottle inside. The puppy tastes the formula and often begins suckling on the bottle on its own.

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      Burp your puppy after it is done feeding by rubbing your fingers gently along its belly and sides.

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      Return the puppy to its litter mates and repeat this process for each of the other puppies.