How to Use Bag Balm on a Dog

Bag Balm was developed in 1899 as a treatment to soften irritated cow udders after milking. Bag Balm has since found many other uses on everything from household furniture, human skin, and even the family pet. Bag Balm gained even further popularity following the events of September 11, 2001 when it was used to soothe the paws of search and rescue dogs. A thin layer of the ointment made of petrolatum, lanolin and an antiseptic can heal everything from cuts and abrasions to dry skin.


    • 1

      Wipe any cuts or abrasions with a damp cloth to remove dirt.

    • 2

      Swipe your fingers over the top of the Bag Balm scooping up the top layer of salve. Wear disposable gloves to avoid the greasy residue that may be left behind.

    • 3

      Apply a thin layer of Bag Balm to the affected area. The antiseptic properties of Bag Balm make it ideal for application to cuts and abrasions. Bag Balm can also help soothe dry cracked paws or calloused elbows.

    • 4

      Massage the salve into the affected area.

    • 5

      Inspect the area, looking for signs of an allergic reaction or infection; such as redness, swelling or hives.

    • 6

      Repeat the application process two times daily, until the area has healed.