Gold Bond Body Powder for Treating Hot Spots on Dogs

Even the best-cared-for dog can get hot spots. They seem to spring up overnight, leaving the dog with one or more moist, open hairless sores on its body. Hot spots are not only ugly, they are also painful and potentially disfiguring. Fortunately, both developing and completely formed hot spots are easy for the average dog owner to treat with inexpensive over-the-counter products --- including Gold Bond powder. Consult your veterinarian if the hot spot does not heal in a few days with this treatment.
  1. Hot Spot Causes

    • Hot spots are painful, open sores that form on a dog's body. Despite the term used to describe them, "hot spots" are not caused by heat. Rather, they are caused by tight mats in a long-coated dog's fur pressing against its skin or by flea bites, both of which cause the dog to chew at itself.

    Hot Spot Prevention

    • Use Gold Bond powder to prevent hot spots from forming. Cut tight mats from the dog's coat when they form and sprinkle Gold Bond powder on the irritated area. The medicated powder will dry up the moisture trapped by the mat, reduce itching and prevent fungus from forming. Use Gold Bond Body Powder for several days just before bed until the irritated area is no longer reddened.

    Treating a Serious Hot Spot

    • Prior to using Gold Bond powder on hot spots that have evolved into open sores, carefully trim hair away from the edges of the raw area. Gently remove as much debris as possible from the dog's coat --- there will be dead skin and scabrous material present if the hot spot has progressed far enough. Clean the sore with soap and water or peroxide, taking care not to tear skin further. Carefully dry the skin, keeping in mind that it will be "weeping" moisture and will not dry completely. Shake Gold Bond powder into the weeping area until the area is completely covered with a thin and even layer. Repeat the cleaning and drying process for several days, until the skin begins to heal.


    • Your dog may continue to chew at its hot spot even after it has been washed and treated with Gold Bond powder. These dogs may benefit from having the sore covered with a breathable gauze pad secured to the wound with vet wrap. Vet wrap is an adhesive-free bandage that allows the wound to "breathe," enhancing healing. Change the bandage daily, unless there is significant discharge from the sore. Clean the sore and treat it with Gold Bond as above.