Powder for Wrinkles in Bulldogs

An English bulldog's most notable feature is also often his most troublesome. The wrinkles and folds on a bulldog's face give the breed its unusual look. Without routine care, however, those wrinkles become unpleasant bacteria traps that cause health and hygiene problems. A variety of wipes, cleaners and powders help bulldog owners keep their dogs' wrinkles clean and clear of infection.
  1. The Problem With Wrinkles

    • Skipping regular wrinkle cleanings allows a buildup of yeast, bacteria and other microorganisms that thrive in dark, moist environments such as skin folds. Yeast infections cause itching, which leads to excessive scratching and rubbing on furniture and carpets. The result is hot spots, or open, weeping sores. Fold dermatitis, a type of skin inflammation, affects untreated wrinkles as well. Small bacterial and yeast infections sometimes also grow into systemic health problems for a bulldog. Beyond the health issues they bring, poorly tended wrinkles smell bad, making it unpleasant to spend time with the pet.

    Cleaning Wrinkles

    • Bulldog experts suggest several effective wrinkle-cleaning techniques. Some groomers clean wrinkles using cotton balls soaked in sterile contact-lens wash, as the solution won't hurt a dog's eyes in case of accidental exposure. Others use baby wipes containing the skin conditioners lanolin and aloe, or Stridex Medicated Pads. For less serious wrinkle issues, some breeders recommend a soft, damp cloth with gentle soap. Pull the dog's skin folds up and clean beneath them with the chosen method. Gently clean the wrinkles until the cotton balls, wipes or cleaning cloths no longer pick up debris from inside the folds. Avoid cleaning wrinkles with hydrogen peroxide or sterilizing alcohol, which irritates the skin.

    Powdering Wrinkles

    • Treating a bulldog's wrinkles with powder keeps the folds dry and prevents the proliferation of microorganisms. Before applying powder, thoroughly dry the bulldog's wrinkles. The safest powdering option is cornstarch. Avoid talcum-based powders such as baby powder and Gold Bond powder, as talc is carcinogenic when inhaled in large amounts. Apply powder underneath the skin folds with a small makeup brush or a Q-Tip. Empty, clean squeeze bottles, such as mustard bottles or hair color-application bottles, help to direct and apply the powder properly.

    Preventing Problems

    • Depending on the bulldog's age, her wrinkles likely need cleaning at least twice a week, or even daily. Older dogs need more help keeping wrinkles clean, as do bulldogs living in hot, humid climates. Wash the bulldog once a week with a gentle pet shampoo to reduce irritating bacteria or pests living on the dog's skin or fur. After shampooing, dry the bulldog's wrinkles thoroughly with a hair dryer set on cool. Applying ointments such as Diaperene or Panalog helps keep wrinkle infections at bay.