How to Make Your Own Flea Dip With Pyrethrin

Pyrethrins, derived from the African Chrysanthemum flower, are the active ingredients in several natural insecticides. Pyrethrins are some of the least toxic, yet most effective, flea-killers available; they are organic and environmentally safe, and decompose rapidly in the environment. They work by attacking the flea's central nervous system. Making your own flea dip with pyrethrins is quick and easy and can be completed in just a few minutes. However, be aware that pyrethrins are considered safe for dogs but are not recommended for cats.

Things You'll Need

  • Water-based pyrethrin
  • 1-quart spray bottle
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      Mix one-fourth pyrethrin liquid with three-fourths water in a one-quart spray bottle. Shake gently so ingredients are completely mixed before using. Even though pyrethrins are considered safe, you should not overuse them. You can always repeat the process in a few days if the solution proves too weak.

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      Cover your pet's eyes and spray all over your pet, avoiding his face. Be especially careful to keep clear of your pet's eyes, mouth and nose. Although safer than other insecticides, pyrethrins can still damage mucous membranes, or cause illness if ingested.

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      Rub your pet's fur after you have completely sprayed it with the solution, making sure it gets into the skin underneath the fur. This will ensure the solution targets the fleas, larvae and pupae, all of which dwell close to the skin.