How to Use Aloe Vera for Pet Skin Problems

Aloe vera is found in the aloe plant. The gel has been used for many years in herbal medicine to treat burns, wounds and skin rashes. Aloe vera is traditionally used on human beings, but can also be used to treat pet skin problems. It can be extracted from the leaves of the plant and applied, or diluted and mixed with other ingredients in the form of a pill, gel, or even shampoo. Before using aloe vera on your pet, consult a veterinarian to ensure that it is suitable for your pet and his particular skin problem.


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      Smooth the aloe vera directly on the pet's skin rash, sore or infection. The aloe will decrease inflammation of the wound, remove dead cells, encourage the growth of new skin cells, and discourage any discharge from the wound.

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      Put aloe vera pills in your pet's food to heal skin problems. Taken orally, these will heal external skin problems like inflammation, wounds, burns or rashes. Consult a veterinarian before purchasing oral aloe vera medications for your pet.

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      Wash your pet with a shampoo made from aloe vera and oatmeal. This can reduce skin irritation and itching, as both the oatmeal and aloe will reduce the sensation that is causing the itch. You can purchase pet shampoo made from these two products online or at most pet stores.