Shots for Puppies That You Can Give at Home

The equipment and medication to administer your own vaccines to puppies can often be found in farm or feed stores, and in many cases, these vaccines come in bundled options where several vaccines are combined into single doses. Remember that needles should never be used twice, and that vaccines should only be administered by individuals who have been shown and have practiced the correct procedures.
  1. Distemper

    • Distemper vaccines are one of the 'core' vaccines considered necessary by most vets and, in some cases, required by state law. This vaccine is very important to administer correctly to puppies as they are the most frequent and numerous victims of distemper. The distemper vaccine is parenteral-- administered by injection-- and must be administered properly for optimum performance and to reduce injury to your pet.


    • Parvo is a highly contagious and potentially deadly disease which causes vomiting and diarrhea. It is a mandatory vaccination in most states, and most kenneling facilities will require proof of a parvo virus vaccine before allowing dogs to board. Parvo vaccines are typically available in modified live varieties-- meaning the vaccine includes live, but harmless variants of the disease. Killed vaccine varieties have a lower efficacy.


    • These vaccines are often combined into a single treatment, and protect against a contagious respiratory infection and infectious canine hepatitis. These vaccinations can also be found in the common six or seven-way vaccine which also includes other common or required vaccines. The Adenovirus/Hepatitis vaccine is available in both intranasal and parenteral options.


    • Often offered as combination treatments, Leptospirosis/Conronavirus is a vaccine protecting against a potentially deadly disease which can be communicated to humans. However, most veterinarians consider Leptospirosis a 'non-core' vaccine, meaning that it is only recommended for pets who have a good chance of being exposed to the disease. This vaccine is also short-lasting, sometimes leaving the system in less than one year.