Pet-Friendly Ways to Kill Fleas

When you find fleas on your dog, you want to do what's best for its health. Many products use chemicals to kill insects. Flea products containing organophosphate insecticides can cause danger to your pet and to you. Organophosphate insecticides can affect your dog's nervous system, which is why a safer method for handling fleas should be sought.
  1. Flea Comb

    • Using a flea comb can help you manually remove fleas from your dog. Fleas generally populate around your dog's hind quarters, face and underbelly. When you catch a flea, submerge it into water combined with detergent. Since combing your dog can be a large undertaking, pet stores sell electronic flea combs. Electronic flea combs work by emitting a high-pitched sound that ceases when a flea is found. You can then remove the flea before continuing to comb your dog. It's important to give your dog a good brushing before using an electronic flea comb and to not use the comb on wet fur.

    Diatomaceous Earth

    • You can apply diatomcaeous earth directly to your dog's fur to kill fleas. Only use food-grade diatomcaeous earth, as the pool-grade variety can cause harm. Although diatomcaeous earth is safe to use, it's best to wear a face mask when applying the product. Inhalation of the product can cause irritation. Avoid getting the product in your dog's eyes, nose and mouth.


    • Help remove fleas by bathing.

      Washing your dog once a week can help remove fleas. However, avoid washing your dog more than once a week, because this can strip your dog's skin of its natural, protective oils. The lather produced by soaps work by suffocating fleas. Leave the soap on for five minutes to thoroughly kill fleas. Non-scented pet shampoos work best for cleaning your dog's coat. After bathing your dog, you can apply a flea repellent containing oils such as tea tree, peppermint and citronella combined with water, according to the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals website.

    Cleaning the Environment

    • Vacuuming your floors and washing your dog's bedding regularly will kill flea eggs. However, flea eggs can hatch within your vacuum bag, so disposal of the bag after vacuuming is necessary. You can place flea light traps around areas your dog goes often, such as its bedding. Light traps consist of a bowl of water with some dishwashing soap with a light directed onto it. The fleas are attracted to the light. Remove traps after a week and replace them with fresh traps, until your flea problem is eradicated.