How to Improve a Dog's Teeth Without Sedating Him

Good dental hygiene is as important for dogs as for humans. According to the American Veterinary Dental Society, 80 percent of dogs show signs of oral disease by 3 years of age. Plaque, gingivitis and tooth decay may lead to later health complications as the dog gets older. Veterinarians will clean your dog's teeth; however, the procedure is pricey and requires your dog to be sedated, which is risky. Fortunately, you can perform several techniques at home to improve your dog's teeth without the cost and the risks of sedation.

Things You'll Need

  • Hard Kibble
  • Chew Toys
  • Dental Treats
  • Finger brush or toothbrush
  • Dog toothpaste
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      Feed your dog hard kibble instead of soft wet food. Hard kibble provides a natural cleaning effect by scraping the teeth and removing plaque as the dog eats. Conversely, soft food will not remove any plaque and may end up sticking to the dog's teeth.

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      Brush your dog's teeth once a day, starting when he is young so he will get used to the process. You can use a regular toothbrush, but you may find a finger brush easier. Since a dog cannot rinse, use canine toothpaste. Many pet stores carry beef- or poultry- flavored toothpaste that is not only pet friendly, but that also tastes good to your dog. Allow him to sample it before you start brushing. Once your dog is comfortable with the toothpaste and toothbrush, you are ready for daily brushing.

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      Reward your dog with treats, such as Greenies or Dentastix, that promote dental health. These treats may serve as an alternative to brushing if your dog does not allow that.

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      Purchase toys for your dog that will clean his teeth as he chews. For example, a stuffed animal will not clean her teeth, but a rawhide will serve as alternative if tooth brushing is not an option. Supervise your dog while she is chewing and take the rawhide away from him once it becomes small enough to swallow whole. Large pieces of rawhide can get caught in the digestive track and cause blockages.