Ideas for the Whelping Box for Boxers

In the wild, wolves find dens in which to give birth (or whelp) their pups. Domestic dogs do not have this option, but you might see your pregnant boxer "nest" more and more, as her due date draws near. This nesting instinct is your boxer's way of looking for a safe and comfortable place to deliver her puppies. Create a whelping box for her, so that she can deliver and care for her puppies in comfort.
  1. Washable Materials

    • Before you construct your boxer's whelping box, consider how easy it will be to clean. Your dog's labor will leave a mess, as will the puppies in their first few weeks of life. You can use plywood to construct the box, but you should cover it with contact paper or paint it before you assemble the pieces. This will make it easier to wipe down, and will help prevent the wood from becoming saturated with waste. Wood laminate is another option for your boxer's whelping box, which will be easier to keep clean.


    • A female boxer can weigh up to 65 pounds and may stand 23 ½ inches tall (at the shoulder). You need to construct a whelping box that will give her room to stretch out, along with some extra space for the puppies, once they are born. They will start to grow quickly, and you do not want them to be crammed together and unable to move in the whelping box. suggests building a box that is approximately 48-58" x 40-48" x 24".


    • Line the bottom of the box with old pieces of carpeting, blankets or towels. Not only will this help your boxer and her pups stay comfy, it will insulate the box from the floor, as well. Be sure that the fabrics used to line the box are easy to clean or easily disposable. The box should be kept warm, though overheating can be harmful to both mom and pups. Karen Copley, dog breeder and founder of Veterinary Perinatal Specialties Inc., recommends keeping the room at about 75 degrees Fahrenheit.


    • Keep your boxer's favorite spots in mind when placing the whelping box. Consider putting the box in a spot where she usually likes to sleep, or an area she retreats to when she feels nervous. If you don't place the whelping box in one of these areas, your boxer may reject it, and deliver her pups in a place of her own choosing. If you cannot do this, prepare the whelping box well in advance, so that you can encourage her to sleep there. Place puppy treats inside the box to show your boxer that it is a comfortable, safe and positive place to stay.