How to Help a Six-Year-Old Min Pin With the Runs

A Miniature Pinscher, or "Min-Pin," is a toy breed dog that originated in Germany. They are animated, active and usually very healthy dogs. Diarrhea in an adult Min Pin can be caused by any number of illnesses ranging from a diet change to something more serious, such as infection. By correctly monitoring your dog and taking him to a veterinarian if necessary, you can help your six-year-old Min Pin recover from diarrhea.

Things You'll Need

  • Fresh, clean water
  • Veterinarian
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    • 1

      Note the first time that you notice your dog's diarrhea, in addition to any other symptoms that your dog may be sick. In addition to loose stool, he may be tired or have a fever. You can check whether he has a fever by taking his temperature rectally. A Min Pin's normal temperature ranges from 101 to 102.5 degrees F. Write down all of the symptoms so that if you have to take your dog to a veterinarian, you can give the veterinarian all necessary information.

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      Stop feeding your Min Pin as soon as you notice the first loose stool. Do not give him food for up to twenty-four hours.

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      Give your dog as much fresh, clean water as he wants. If he does not want to drink, try to encourage him to drink, as one potentially harmful side effect of diarrhea is dehydration.

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      Take your dog to the veterinarian if the diarrhea persists for more than a day. If your dog has diarrhea in addition to vomiting, or if the diarrhea is black or bloody, do not wait a full day to take your dog to the veterinarian. Do so immediately, as it could indicate internal bleeding.