The Best Way to Cure Mange for Dogs

Mange is a problem that affects dogs and other domestic animals. It's caused by microscopic oval-shaped mites that bury themselves in your pet's skin. The symptoms are different depending on which type of mite is causing the mange. Demodectic mange causes bald spots, sores, scabbing and if a bacterial infection is present, the dog can experience severe itching and make the dog very uncomfortable. Sarcoptic mange causes severe itching that can also cause hair loss, red skin, sores and scabs.

Things You'll Need

  • Veterinarian
  • Medications
  • Washer and Dryer
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      Take your dog to the veterinarian for a physical exam to analyze the skin. He will confirm the presences of mange mites and determine what type of mange your pet has. He will then decide which form of treatment would be the best based on its condition.

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      Isolate your dog to prevent the spread of this condition if the vet says it is contagious.

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      Administer the medication recommended by your veterinarian immediately, following the directions completely. Types of medications include antiparasitic drugs to get rid of the mites, medicine for itching and inflammation or drugs for secondary skin infections. These can be administered orally, topically, by injection, or through shampoo and dip, depending on which drugs are recommended.

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      Treat any physiological stress your pet may be under due to the mange. It can be very upsetting for your dog especially if the condition is serious.

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      Prevent mange from reoccurring by thoroughly cleaning the bedding along with everywhere and everything the pet has access to, including your pet's collar.

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      Watch for signs indicating the return of mange and if symptoms appear, repeat the process before it has time to spread.