How to Treat Paw Burns

Our furry friends go barefoot and can easily suffer paw burns as a result of walking on hot pavement or jumping on wood stoves. While many burn injuries need professional attention from your veterinarian, a minor paw burn can be treated at home. Because burns are prone to infection, providing home care will require you to keep a close eye on your pet's foot to ensure it is healing properly.

Things You'll Need

  • Betadine antiseptic solution
  • Silver Sulfadiazine or Neosporin ointment
  • Gauze
  • Sock
  • Surgical tape
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      Wash the burn with cool, running water. If your pet will not allow you to rinse the paw in the sink or tub, place the foot over a bowl filled with cool water and use a small cup or washcloth to rinse the foot pad. Pat dry with a towel.

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      Dilute the Betadine with water until it is the color of weak tea. Pour the Betadine solution over the paw and allow to air dry.

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      Apply Silver Sulfadiazine ointment to the burn. Silver Sulfadiazine can be found at your local pharmacy. If you cannot find Silver Sulfadiazine, use Neosporin or another similar antibiotic ointment.

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      Wrap your pet's paw and ankle with gauze. Cover the bandage with a sock and place tape at the top of the sock to hold the bandage in place.

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      Change the bandage at least once daily until healed. Reapply the antibiotic ointment each time to prevent infection.