How to Get Your Dog to Eat Healthy

Like humans, dogs need to eat right and exercise. Often, though, these two basic needs get neglected due to busy schedules and lack of time. Perhaps you tend to feed your dog food scraps and unhealthy snacks or sometimes forget to walk her. There are a few basic things you can do to help your dog stay healthy for years to come.


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      Schedule regular check-ups for your dog -- at least two times a year. At these visits, the vet can diagnose and treat any weight issues, parasite problems, or ear and eye problems.

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      Feed you dog healthy meals. Choose food that is appropriate to your dog's age, size and activity level. Avoid giving too many snacks, as well as leftovers from your meal, to your dog. The diet of a dog directly affects her coat, weight, energy and overall health, and excess weight puts a strain on her heart.

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      Exercise together every day. Your dog needs to exercise just as much as you do; by taking him for a walk every day, you will also improve your own health. Walking will help keep your dog's weight under control and it will allow him to release some energy outside, rather than showing it in destructive behavior around the house.

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      Groom your dog. All dogs need to be bathed on a regular basis and some also need daily brushing. Cut your dog's nails on a regular basis and inspect her ears for parasites.

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      Check your dog's teeth. It is commonly assumed that dogs have bad breath because of the food they eat, but this smell could be a sign of plaque build-up or dental disease. Brush your dog's teeth, give him dental treats and chew toys, or take him to the vet for a check-up and cleaning.