How to Apply Conofite Lotion in a Dog's Ear

When your dog is suffering from ringworm or another fungal malady, you want to do anything you can to ease its discomfort. Conofite is the brand name of miconazole nitrate, a synthetic agent used to treat certain fungal infections. Your veterinarian must prescribe Conofite, but you will have to apply the lotion to your dog's ear daily. Doing so can often prove much harder than it sounds. Dogs do not understand why you are touching a sensitive area and applying something cold or smelly or tingly. However, with a little patience, you can do it.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog treats
  • Cotton swab or gauze pad
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      Allow your dog to look at and smell the Conofite container and a cotton swab or gauze pad several times before trying to apply the lotion. As the dog investigates, offer it a small treat. Create a positive association with the lotion for your dog.

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      Handle your dog's ear gently while you feed the dog treats so your dog grows comfortable with you touching this sensitive area.

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      Apply the Conofite to a cotton swab or gauze pad before you approach your dog.

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      Place your dog on its leash if you believe it will try to escape when you apply the lotion. Keep your foot on the leash to prevent your dog from moving away.

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      Give your dog a small treat as you stroke its ear. Have the Conofite applicator within reach.

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      Give your dog another treat as you apply a thin layer of the lotion to the affected area of your dog's ear. Be patient, because your dog will shake and try to get away at first. Praise your dog, and pop another treat in its mouth after the Conofite has been successfully applied.

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      Repeat this process every day for two to four weeks. Your dog may become comfortable enough that you will not need to use a leash or as many treats.